antimicrobial resistance Successful NIHR grant Philip Fowler, 29th June 20185th August 2018 Last year I coordinated a bid to the NIHR for capital to improve our research… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New Publication: Predicting whether mutations confer resistance to an antibiotic Philip Fowler, 5th January 201829th September 2018 Due to the rise of antibiotic resistance, it is increasingly important that your clinician knows… Continue Reading
citizen science Automated detection of bacterial growth on 96-well plates (AMyGDA) Philip Fowler, 11th December 20175th August 2018 I am involved in an international collaboration, the Comprehensive Resistance Prediction for Tuberculosis: an International Consortium… Continue Reading
publication New Publication: Protein crowding affects the organisation of ion channels Philip Fowler, 3rd December 201729th September 2018 Protein crowding and lipid complexity influence the nanoscale dynamic organization of ion channels in cell… Continue Reading
publication New Publication: Effect of SAO mutation on Band 3 Philip Fowler, 12th January 201729th September 2018 There is a lovely story behind this paper just published earlier this week in Biochemistry…. Continue Reading
publication New Publication: Lipids can form anti-registered phases Philip Fowler, 23rd September 201629th September 2018 When we think of lipids phase separating in a cell membrane we usually think of… Continue Reading