publication New Publication: Lipids can form anti-registered phases Philip Fowler, 23rd September 201629th September 2018 When we think of lipids phase separating in a cell membrane we usually think of… Continue Reading
publication New Publication: Proteins Alter the Stiffness of Membranes Philip Fowler, 23rd September 201629th September 2018 Although there have been many studies of proteins whose primary function is to ‘sculpt’ the… Continue Reading
publication New Publication: Membrane Compartmentalization Reduces the Mobility of Lipids. Philip Fowler, 23rd September 201629th September 2018 Lipids are not free to diffuse around the cell membrane. Rather they are constrained not… Continue Reading
computing New Publication: Predicting affinities for peptide transporters Philip Fowler, 29th January 201629th September 2018 PepT1 is a nutrient transporter found in the cells that line your small intestine. It… Continue Reading
publication New Publication: The Extra-Cellular Domain of PepT1 and PepT2 Philip Fowler, 2nd November 2015 PepT1 is a nutrient transporter found in the cells that line your small intestine. It… Continue Reading
molecular dynamics New Publication: Alchembed Philip Fowler, 12th June 2015 In much of my research I’ve looked at how proteins embedded in cell membranes behave. An… Continue Reading