antimicrobial resistance GPAS Philip Fowler, 17th May 202113th October 2021 I’ve been working on this for the last few months and very happy that we… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New preprint: Deciphering bedaquiline and clofazimine resistance in tuberculosis Philip Fowler, 22nd March 202122nd March 2021 In this preprint we examine 14,151 clinical isolates drawn from the CRyPTIC dataset. Each isolate… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New print: Epidemiological cutoff values for a 96-well broth microdilution plate for M. tuberculosis Philip Fowler, 5th March 202122nd March 2021 In this preprint, the CRyPTIC project proposes the maximum value of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance Research position advertised Philip Fowler, 26th January 202126th January 2021 Come and work with me on antimicrobial resistance! Advert here. Broadly the idea is to… Continue Reading
teaching Adventures in online lecturing mathematics to biochemists. Part 3. Philip Fowler, 13th January 202113th January 2021 In this post, I’ll describe the feedback I got from my students on my Quantitative… Continue Reading
teaching Adventures in online lecturing mathematics to biochemists. Part 2. Philip Fowler, 13th January 202113th January 2021 In the last post, I described how I’ve converted Professor Elspeth Garman’s lecture notes from… Continue Reading