clinical microbiology New publication: Antibody Status and Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Health Care Workers Philip Fowler, 13th January 202113th January 2021 A second Covid-19 publication I’m proud to be (a small) part of has recently published… Continue Reading
teaching Adventures in online lecturing mathematics to biochemists. Part 1. Philip Fowler, 20th November 202020th November 2020 After one year of shadowing Professor Elspeth Garman, I’ve taken over lecturing the Mathematics course… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New publication: how quickly can be calculate the effect of a mutation on an antibiotic? Philip Fowler, 20th November 202020th November 2020 The idea for this paper arose during talking over coffee at the BioExcel Alchemical Free… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New publication: Differential occupational risks to healthcare workers from SARS-CoV- 2 Philip Fowler, 2nd July 202022nd August 2020 Very pleased and proud to be included on this manuscript, which has been published in… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New publication: Reconciling the potentially irreconcilable? Genotypic and phenotypic amoxicillin-clavulanate resistance in Escherichia coli. Philip Fowler, 30th March 202022nd August 2020 Clinical microbiology often assumes a sample is resistant or susceptible. Making such a classification relies… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New publication: Phylogenetically informative mutations in genes implicated in antibiotic resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex Philip Fowler, 9th March 202016th March 2020 Although the population structure M. tuberculosis is clonal, one must be careful when inferring the… Continue Reading