antimicrobial resistance New paper: quantitative measurement of effect of mutations on antibiotics in M. tuberculosis Philip Fowler, 15th January 202415th January 2024 The CRyPTIC project played a major role in the release by the WHO of their… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New preprint: Infection Inspection Philip Fowler, 12th December 202312th December 2023 Some great work by Conor Feehily, Nicole Stoesser and others, including collaborators from the Department… Continue Reading
Desirable features for any antibiotic resistance catalogue Philip Fowler, 31st October 202331st October 2023 In the past few years a growing number of catalogues containing mutations associated with resistance… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New preprint: compensatory mutations are associated with increased growth in resistant samples of M. tuberculosis. Philip Fowler, 22nd June 20238th December 2023 In this preprint, Viki Brunner shows how, using the large CRyPTIC dataset, she can recapitulate… Continue Reading
New publication: determining novel mechanisms of bedaquiline resistance Philip Fowler, 30th March 20235th April 2023 A new paper with Lindsay Sonnenkalb as first-author has just been published in The Lancet… Continue Reading
New preprint: Including minor alleles improves fluoroquinolone resistance prediction Philip Fowler, 10th November 202217th November 2022 Fluoroquinolones are used to treat both normal and drug resistant tuberculosis and therefore being able… Continue Reading