antimicrobial resistance BioExcel Alchemical Free Energy workshop Philip Fowler, 17th June 2019 Last month I was invited to give a talk on using alchemical free energy methods… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New Publication: Predicting whether mutations confer resistance to an antibiotic Philip Fowler, 5th January 201829th September 2018 Due to the rise of antibiotic resistance, it is increasingly important that your clinician knows… Continue Reading
distributed computing GROMACS in DOCKER: First Steps Philip Fowler, 23rd May 2016 DOCKER is cool. But what is it? From the DOCKER webpage Docker containers wrap up… Continue Reading
computing Setting up a GROMACS cluster Philip Fowler, 28th April 2016 Recently I’ve moved to the John Radcliffe hospital and my old lab kindly let me… Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 Continue Reading
computing How to setup a Gramble Philip Fowler, 14th April 2016 This is a Gramble, which of course is short for a GROMACS Bramble, or, in… Continue Reading
computing New Publication: Predicting affinities for peptide transporters Philip Fowler, 29th January 201629th September 2018 PepT1 is a nutrient transporter found in the cells that line your small intestine. It… Continue Reading