Viki Brunner wins poster prize Philip Fowler, 23rd November 202223rd November 2022 The whole group attended the first INEOS Oxford Institute meeting on Multidisciplinary Approaches to AMR… Continue Reading
New preprint: Including minor alleles improves fluoroquinolone resistance prediction Philip Fowler, 10th November 202217th November 2022 Fluoroquinolones are used to treat both normal and drug resistant tuberculosis and therefore being able… Continue Reading
New publication: Predicting antibiotic resistance in complex protein targets using alchemical free energy methods Philip Fowler, 26th August 202224th October 2022 In this paper, Alice Brankin calculates how different mutations in the DNA gyrase affect the… Continue Reading
New publication: CRyPTIC Data Compendium Philip Fowler, 16th August 202216th August 2022 The large and comprehensive dataset of clinical tuberculosis isolates collected by the CRyPTIC project is… Continue Reading
New publication: CRyPTIC GWAS of antitubercular resistance Philip Fowler, 16th August 202216th August 2022 Since the primary goal of CRyPTIC was to map the genetic variants in M. tuberculosis… Continue Reading
New publication: BashTheBug works! Philip Fowler, 20th May 202219th July 2022 Yesterday eLife published the first paper from our citizen science project, BashTheBug, which was launched… Continue Reading