meetings Analysing Simulation Data CECAM Workshop, Jülich, 14-15 October 2015 Philip Fowler, 28th October 2015 This two day workshop on Analysing Simulation Data was part of the larger CECAM Macromolecular… Continue Reading
computing Software Carpentry Workshop, Jülich, 12-13 October 2015 Philip Fowler, 23rd October 2015 Last week, myself and David Dotson from ASU, ran a 2 day Software Carpentry workshop… Continue Reading
computing CECAM Macromolecular simulation software workshop Philip Fowler, 14th July 2015 I’m co-organiser of this slightly-different CECAM workshop in October 2015 at the Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. Rather than following the… Continue Reading
computing Running GROMACS on an AMD GPU using OpenCL Philip Fowler, 10th July 2015 I first used an Apple Mac when I was eight. Apart from a brief period… Continue Reading
molecular dynamics New Publication: Alchembed Philip Fowler, 12th June 2015 In much of my research I’ve looked at how proteins embedded in cell membranes behave. An… Continue Reading
computing Is Software a Method? Philip Fowler, 1st April 201523rd September 2018 Last month I went to the Annual Meeting of the US Biophysical Society. As a… Continue Reading