computing GROMACS on AWS: compiling against CUDA Philip Fowler, 27th January 201623rd September 2018 If you want to compile GROMACS to run on a GPU Amazon Web Services EC2… Continue Reading
computing GROMACS on AWS: compiling GCC Philip Fowler, 27th January 201623rd September 2018 These are some quick instructions on how to build a more recent version of GCC… Continue Reading
computing GROMACS on AWS: Performance and Cost Philip Fowler, 17th January 20163rd March 2019 So we have created an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) with GROMACS installed. In this post… Continue Reading
computing GROMACS on AWS Philip Fowler, 13th January 20164th December 2016 In this post I’m going to show how I created an Amazon Machine Instance with… Continue Reading
miscellaneous Dr Firdaus Samsudin Philip Fowler, 18th November 201529th September 2018 Congratulations to Firdaus Samsudin who successfully defended his DPhil thesis on Tuesday 10 November 2015…. Continue Reading
publication New Publication: The Extra-Cellular Domain of PepT1 and PepT2 Philip Fowler, 2nd November 2015 PepT1 is a nutrient transporter found in the cells that line your small intestine. It… Continue Reading