antimicrobial resistance AMyGDA now available from GitHub Philip Fowler, 27th January 202027th January 2020 AMyGDA is a python module that analyses photographs of 96-well plates and, by examining each… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New preprint: rapid prediction of AMR by free energy methods Philip Fowler, 15th January 202015th January 2020 The story behind this preprint goes back to the workshop on free energy methods run… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance BashTheBug Coordinator post advertised Philip Fowler, 15th November 2019 We are advertising for a Part-time Citizen Science Project Co-ordinator to come and work with… Continue Reading
computing GROMACS2018 on NVIDIA DGX-1s Philip Fowler, 27th September 201929th October 2019 HECBioSim advertised for proposals to use JADE, the new Tier-2 UK GPU high performance computer… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New publication: Predicting resistance is (not) futile Philip Fowler, 21st August 201921st August 2019 Our “First Reactions” article has been published in ACS Central Science. We discuss the paper,… Continue Reading
tuberculosis Numpy v Biopython Philip Fowler, 25th July 20194th August 2019 Having only recently having to write bioinformatics Python code that e.g. interrogate GenBank files to… Continue Reading