computing GROMACS2018 on NVIDIA DGX-1s Philip Fowler, 27th September 201929th October 2019 HECBioSim advertised for proposals to use JADE, the new Tier-2 UK GPU high performance computer… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance New publication: Predicting resistance is (not) futile Philip Fowler, 21st August 201921st August 2019 Our “First Reactions” article has been published in ACS Central Science. We discuss the paper,… Continue Reading
tuberculosis Numpy v Biopython Philip Fowler, 25th July 20194th August 2019 Having only recently having to write bioinformatics Python code that e.g. interrogate GenBank files to… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance Genetics and Tuberculosis: A Case of New Meets Old Philip Fowler, 12th July 2019 I was very pleased to be invited to contribute to this “Voices” article organised by… Continue Reading
antimicrobial resistance BioExcel Alchemical Free Energy workshop Philip Fowler, 17th June 2019 Last month I was invited to give a talk on using alchemical free energy methods… Continue Reading
computing Compression FASTA files natively in Python Philip Fowler, 23rd May 201926th May 2019 The M. tuberculosis genome is pretty small, only 4.4 million nucleotides, so storing all that… Continue Reading